New tenants? Find out if they have debts

Make sure your house is in good hands

Do you want to know if you or anybody has all payments in order?




Alfonso Martínez

"They denied me the financiation of a car, and I didn't even know the reason!. Thanks to Ibercheck I knew a I owed some money to my phone company, and I was able to fix the problem!"

María Álvarez

"I asked for an Ibercheck report before going to the bank to acquire my credit. I'm glad I did it, because we discovered an issue, and we were able to solve it before asking for the credit."

Juana Reina

"Now I'm sure that nobody is using my identity in a fraudulently way, for example to contract services like telephone lines... Thank you Ibercheck!"

Our solvency report uses the same information as your bank uses.

We integrate the information from Experian and Asnef. The largest solvency databases.

Request your report and receive it inmediatly. We are the fastest.

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Phone: 91 310 39 09

Ibercheck Soluciones, S.L.
Ronda de la Buganvilla del Rey nº 131
28023 - Madrid - España